A white rose is shown against a black background.

Exclusive Exerpts from the Open Hearts Trilogy

The First Novella in The Open Hearts Trilogy

“Kieran Priest leaned against the back wall of the nightclub where he worked. The music was loud and the heavy bass reverberated through the darkened room, the air thick with the scent of sex. Kieran’s arms were crossed over his broad chest, eyes squinted at the brightly lit stage in front of him, one ankle of his long legs draped casually across the other. He would have looked relaxed if it were not for the intensity of his focus on the scene that was playing out on the nightclub stage. Master Dominant Phantom was working on the naked back of a female strapped to a St. Andrews Cross a few feet in front of him with a short tail whip, and from the look on his handsome, hard face things were not going well. All his attention was on the slender body of the woman but she showed no reaction t all to the fire of the whip stroking across her back. Phantom had marked her skin perfectly but even the curl of the whip across her body that reached her nipple gave him…nothing. She was simply enduring.

Kieran could not be sure of where the woman was mentally, but he did know she was not in the blissful place commonly known as “subspace”, or anything close to it. He could tell by the look on Phantom’s face that things were not going well. This far into the scene, and with Master Phantom’s skill, she should either be pre-orgasmic or coming hard already but she showed no sign of arousal at all.

Kieran’s dark blue eyes moved over to the man who had brought her to the club that night. Harvey Monteith’s jaw was set in a hard, hard line. The submissive would feel his displeasure tonight Kieran was sure. Making a Dom look bad in public never went well for a sub, and Harvey was harder than most. He kept a stable of half a dozen or so sexual submissives at any one time and the ones that did not measure up to his standards were quickly replaced. Kieran’s normally generous soft lips were stretched into a thin line. He was concerned about what would happen next…”


The Second Novella in The Open Hearts Trilogy

“Scott and Kieran lounged against the back wall of the club, focused intently on the proceedings. Their boss, Seth, sat at a table with an electronic notepad in his hand. Sitting across from him was a petite red-haired beauty. He was quietly asking her questions, which shw answered in a heavily accented voice. She was, they knew, interviewing for a job at the club. All of them knew her, at least by reputation. She was Mistress Berta, a famous and celebrated Dominatrix. Seth had wanted her in his club just about forever. She was known for setting up crowd pulling BDSM scenes with submissives both male and female. Still, Seth was not going to make this easy on her. She would have to know that in this chauvinistic world a male Dom pulled rank over female Dommes. It was just the way things were here. Seth turned and motioned Scott forward. Scott might ne entertained by submitting to Kieran from time to time, and the chemistry between them made for some erotic sex, but Kieran was the only male Scott allowed to top him. He was otherwise all Dom, with men and with women. Kieran laughingly referred to him as “flexisexual”, and that he was. He moved from men to women with ease. They all found his infectiously happy nature and boyish good looks irresistible. Not much given to hard BDSM – altho bondage was something he liked – as long as it was him doing the binding – his Dominance was sexual. Pure carnality…”


The Third and Final Novella in The Open Hearts Trilogy

“Dagan saw her as soon as he walked into the club that night. She was propped up with her back arched against the long bar, elbows on the counter behind her pushing her breasts forward, with one high heeled foot resting on the brass rail. She wore the tiniest tee which ended just below the curve of her breasts, which were generous, and the smallest cutoff denim shorts he had ever seen. He was pretty sure that if she turned around he would be able to see her buttocks. Fine by him. Short, choppy blonde hair, deep red lips. Everything about her screamed easy, and easy was what Dagan liked. He’s seen her in the club a couple of times now, but she had stayed in the shadows, on the edges, not drawing attention to herself. He figured she’d been scoping the place out. It wasn’t a place that attracted or existed for the dancing/drinking crowd. It existed so that like minded people – in this case sexual Dominants and submissives, Alphas and betas – could meet, hook up, play, or watch others play in a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere. There were rules and protocols and the members either abided by them or were shown the door. Access was limited, security was tight and enforced. Seth, the club’s manager and one of it’s owners ran the place like a military operation, reflecting his own military background. By design, it was a place where consulting adults could watch or be a part of BDSM play without fear or danger.

Dagan looked around for his buddy Franny, aka Francis Patrick Mora Morann Finbar, minor scion of some titled but broke European family he had left behind to come to America. Not seeing him, Dagan figured he had already found some female to scene with. That was Franny’s and Dagan’s job here. They were professional Dominants and Dagan thought he was one of the luckiest guys on the planet…”